Saturday, 9 January 2016

The Saturday Post // Getting organised and being a January cliche

Ok so this year I've been a total cliche and have been doing the whole January ''fresh start'' shebang. We got given a Nutribullet for christmas so we've been making smoothies ( check out my favourite recipe here), I've spiralised things ( courgetti is surprisingly nice) , I've been doing a ''30 day yoga challenge''  and I've been getting seriously organised. I've been making lists like no bodies business (even if i end up losing the lists it must be helping right?!), implementing spreadsheets and a new invoicing system and it feels damn good. To me is seems natural to want to make a fresh start after Christmas; you've drunk too much, sat around too much , eaten too much cheese (after Christmas I was about 80% cheese) and your house is a tip so of course you're going to want to make a bit of a fresh start and that's cool.  I always get the same feeling in September ( that ''new pencil case'' feeling that harks back to a new school year) and in Spring when it starts getting warmer.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Colour Me // Fushia

Bourjois rouge edition velvet pink pong
So last week the wonderful and innovative make up artist Pat McGrath posted on her instagram with her inspiration for the second in her collection of limited edition pigments (you'd be forgiven for not realising she released her 1st Gold pigment, it sold out that quickly) this second colour was fuchsia and was inspired by the incomprehensibly incredible David Bowie. Clearly Dave knew fuchsia was the hottest, sassiest and most exotic of pinks, easily trouncing your roses and your salmons. 

Monday, 4 January 2016

My Capsule Wardobe // Part One.

Ok this isn't technically about beauty but I'm  hoping you'll find it helpful if you're thinking of having a good clear out which is always cathartic and needed after christmas.

So just under a month ago I decided I wanted to get a bit KonMari on my wardrobes ass. I'd had enough of wasting my money on impulse purchases like ANOTHER jacket, another bag, another this-didnt-quite-fit-me-but-it's-in-the-sale-purchase. I'd had enough of looking in my wardrobe and realising that it was jam packed and full to the brim yet I didn't have anything appropriate to wear that suited my new post pregnancy body or was suitable for my life now. As a self employed person and caretaker of one 11 month old crazy monkey lady baby time, money and space are all at a premium yet I was wasting all of these on clothes I really didn't need ( not to mention the fact that impulse buying and buying way more than we need is awful for the environment) . So I decided to start a 'capsule wardrobe experiment' and I was really inspired by the blog unfancy and Caroline from unfancy's capsule wardrobe guides to doing this.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

New Year Resolutions

illustration by me!

Even though I'm not a huge fan of NYE I do love the start of the new year, the idea of what's to come is exciting and who can resist the idea of a fresh start? I usually get a bit too giddy with his and make some drastic promise to myself only to feel disappointed when I give into temptation two weeks later so in 2016 i'm steering clear of making drastic new years resolutions and just making nice sensible ones. Also who wants to deprive themselves the comfort of carbs and booze at the most depressing time of year?  So this year  I'm only making nice , sensible resolutions. Now 2015 was a pretty monumental year for me, I became entirely self employed , discovered a love for the wire, tiger (the shop) fuchsia lipstick, spent way too much money on make up, started this blog and most importantly I  had a baby (!)

Friday, 1 January 2016

Hangover skincare

So  if you went for it hard last night with the booze or tried to have a quiet one last night but ended up having a few too many drinks grab yourself a full fat coke and a bacon sarnie and I'll give you my tips for hungover skin. Even if my getting-really-rather-sloshed days are pretty much over ( or possibility on hiatus) while I tend to my crazy baby lady, in the past I have done my fair share of partying and then having to get up and look human the next day (anyone who worked in retail has been there; am i right ladies?) so here are my skincare tips for the day after the night before.  

Sidenote! Even if you don't drink these skin care products are great if you're feeling over worked, bit run down and in need of a skin boost to put a bit of glow back.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Blue Monday

Ally Capellino, SS15 lookbook

Red Lips might be classic and you might not be able to live without black mascara  but at the moment blue make up makes me ever so happy. I've always loved blue nail varnish and theres so many shades I love (Cobalt, Navy and what I always think of as ''Swimming pool blue'' to mention a few). But now my love of Blue is extending to hair and eye colour and I've been really inspired by some  looks I've found on pinterest, here's just a few.